Bespoke Sponsored Packages

Showcase your brand to higher education leaders in a tailored package designed around your objectives

A captive audience seeking solutions

HE Professional has built a loyal subscriber base of senior leaders with the power to make decisions and ready to find solutions for services. We can support you to build a tailored audience around your needs.

Why HE Professional?

Substantial experience of bringing together decision makers

A track-record of supporting major suppliers to meet their objectives

HE Professional hosts a captive community already engaging with 365 content

We are obsessed with customer success and supporting your business development

Our distinct offering for your brand

Bespoke content solutions that align with your brand objectives

Support from a team with extensive experience of building a senior audience

Unparalleled opportunities to access decision makers across higher education

A captive community of leaders ready to explore solutions for their university

Tailored packages that match your brand’s business development goals

Tailored packages designed around you

We offer highly bespoke and tailored packages that allow your company to showcase your brand and services. Packages Include:

Breakfast briefings

Dinner sponsorship

A digital marketing service

Bespoke webinar packages

Breakfast Briefings

An exclusive gathering of senior decision makers in a unique setting, with bespoke content and discussion designed around your objectives

Dinner Sponsorship

An intimate group of senior leaders ready to explore solutions for their university, based around an unforgettable dining experience.

Digital Marketing Service

A 12 week marketing campaign designed around your messaging and lead generation objectives.

Bespoke webinar packages

An opportunity to demonstrate your thought leadership and showcase your brand in a live webinar session with a tailored audience of decision makers.

The Next Steps

  1. A scoping discussion with your team to understand your priorities

  2. Develop a bespoke plan on meeting your objectives

  3. Support you to choose a package that will deliver the best results

How can we help?

  • We build an outstanding experience for you, meaning you can focus on what you do best, showcasing your brand.

  • We develop a captive audience of senior decision makers for you in bespoke, intimate settings, giving you the opportunity to have impactful engagement with your future clients.

  • We offer products that support continued connections and long-term interaction with your target audience.

  • We design content and products around your needs. Your objectives are our objectives.

Ready to get started? 

Complete the short form below and we will be in touch to explore your objectives