Financial Sustainability in HE Conference 2025
Thursday 26th June 2025
9:30 am - 3:40pm
Virtual Conference
The Financial Sustainability in HE Conference 2025 will explore how higher education providers can manage the strategic decisions ahead in transitioning from immediate financial crisis to long term financial resilience.
The Conference will offer solutions on:
Long-term financial decision making and planning in HE
Diversifying income strategies and adopting new business models
The practical route to managing and overcoming deficits
Approaches to financial forecasting and modelling
Leading transformation and strategic change programmes
Driving sustainability through cost saving and efficiency
Why attend the conference?
Gain insights on how providers are managing strategic decision making amid financial crisis
Explore how a transformation agenda can be delivered to support sustainable cost structures
Plan your institution’s roadmap towards long term financial resilience
09:30 am
Chair’s Welcome Address
Matthew Grigson
Director of Governance, Policy and Compliance
University of London (CONFIRMED)
09:40 am
Opening Panel Discussion: The Big Strategic Decisions Ahead on Financial Resilience
Finding a sustainable position on efficiency savings and effective service delivery
The necessary steps on strategic change and operational transformation
The structural components for long term finance resilience
Examining opportunities for new business models and income diversification
Making the transition from immediate financial risk management to long-term financial sustainability
Simon Taylor
Director of Finance & Strategic Planning
Leeds Trinity University (CONFIRMED)
Mehjabeen Patrick
Director of Finance
Arts University Bournemouth (CONFIRMED)
10:30 am
Operationalising Change: Insights from the Transformation and Efficiency Taskforce
Enabling higher education providers to demonstrate new and innovative approaches to efficiency, productivity and ways of working
The radical change needed: Unlocking opportunities for institutions to meaningfully collaborate on transformation
What are the options on systems and process sharing?
How can shared models be applied to teaching and service delivery?
What does collaboration look like in a competitive, marketized sector?
Sir Nigel Carrington
Chair, Transformation and Efficiency Taskforce
Universities UK (invited)
10:50 am
Break and Networking Stream
11:10 am
Diversifying Income Strategies: Rethinking the Business Model
The structural basis for the financial crisis facing higher education providers
Weak foundations: Overcoming the reliance on international student fees
Meeting evolving demand: New products and cost structures
Building a diverse portfolio of income strategies: What would it look like?
Professor Adam Habib
SOAS University of London (CONFIRMED)
11:40 am
Making Decisions on Deficits
This session will examine the key decision making needed on deficits with a focus on:
Student volumes against overheads
Decisions on student categories and courses
The cost basis for delivery
Leading meaningful transformation amid cost savings
Matt Atkinson
Chief Financial Officer (interim)
University of Nottingham (CONFIRMED)
12:10 pm
Robust Forecasting and Modelling: The Basis for Sustainable Financial Planning
What leaders now need from forecasts to support effective planning
The core components for examining evolving risk factors
Challenging ‘optimistic assumptions’ to support sustainable forecasting on income streams
Mapping cash flow to support planning on service delivery
Nicola Martin
Head of Financial Planning & Analysis
The University of Manchester (invited)
12:40 pm
Break and Networking Stream
1:50 pm
Radical Action Needed: Managing a £140 million Cost Reduction Programme
Universities in the UK have been seriously under-funded for many years, both for the teaching of “home” students and for the full costs of their research. This created a dependence on cross-subsidy from international student tuition fees and income from other sources. External events have now brought the fragility of the sector’s finances to public and political attention. Responsible universities need to take urgent actions to ensure their futures.
This session explore what those actions look at the University of Edinburgh and how the institution has made these decisions.
Professor Sir Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
University of Edinburgh (CONFIRMED)
2:20 pm
What Next on International Student Recruitment Mapping?
With fierce competition for international students, rapidly evolving demand and risks on overreliance, how can institutions map international student recruitment income?
This session will examine the strategic decisions on international student recruitment.
How can financial leaders mark the switch from the immediate need to bolster income versus the long-term stability of an institution’s financial model?
Rob Molloy
Finance Director
Liverpool John Moores University (invited)
2:50 pm
Break and Networking Stream
3:10 pm
In the Case of Financial Failure: The Mechanics of Insolvency and Market Exit
The decisions ahead for a provider facing immediate risk of insolvency
The regulatory and policy making decisions on unplanned market exit
What lenders would expect from an institution facing insolvency
Managing transformation or restructure programmes that would satisfy lenders
Entrenched failings: Mapping the road to an orderly market exit for institutions unable to demonstrate long term structural stability
Damien Ashford
Government Restructuring and Education lead Partner
3:40 pm
Conference Close
*Programme subject to change
This event is designed for the higher education sector. Those in attendance will include:
Chief Finance Officers
Chief Operating Officers
Deputy Vice Chancellors
Director of Strategic Planning and Performance
Directors of External Relations
Directors of Finance
Directors of Policy and Engagement
Directors of Strategy and Insight
Directors of Transformation
Executive Deans
Financial Controllers
Heads of Governance
Heads of Policy
Heads of Strategy
Pro Vice Chancellors
University Secretaries
Vice Chancellors
Secure Your Ticket
HE and Public Sector
£195 + VAT
Private Sector
£395 + VAT
HE Team of 3+
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