The HE Net Zero Estate Conference 2025
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On Demand
Virtual Conference
The HE Net Zero Estate Conference will offer vital insights on how HE estates leaders are managing the transition to net-zero and the next steps in overcoming major delivery challenges to meet ambitious targets in 2030 and beyond.
The Conference will:
Explore how estates leaders can translate strategic visions on net zero into meaningfully delivery
Assess the latest updates on green financing and how institutions can develop funding solutions to net zero investment
Share insights from across the sector in leading the net zero transition on legacy buildings through effective retrofits and refurbishments
Evaluate delivery solutions on net zero heating, cooling and energy efficiency
Examine the latest thinking on reimagining the use of space across the HE estate to support net zero targets
Why attend the conference?
Discover real innovation on managing the delivery route to a net zero HE estate
Gain practical insights on overcoming challenges to the net zero transition
Develop a roadmap for net zero implementation within your institution
09:30 am
Chair’s Welcome Address
Trevor Wills
Director of Estates & Facilities
University of Plymouth (CONFIRMED)
09:40 am
In Conversation: What Next on Green Finance Options?
What are the financing options open to institutions embarking on major investments in net zero estate transformations?
Exploring how different routes to financing are being utilised by the sector including green bonds, sustainable private placement and sustainability-linked loans
Examining alternative funding structures beyond direct external borrowing
How to navigate green financing in the context of pressure on university balance sheets and deficit risk
Assessing grant options from government and other funders and what to expect from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
Graeme Aithie
Liam Gillard
Senior Programme Manager
Salix Finance (CONFIRMED)
10:10 am
Working in Collaboration on Waste Heat Network Development
Dr Roddy Yarr
Director of Sustainability
University of Glasgow (CONFIRMED)
10:40 am
Break and Networking
11:00 am
Delivering on the Strategic Vision for Net Zero
Examining the key delivery challenges facing estate leaders in the road to net zero
Assessing how decarbonisation planning is progressing and the key risks that would prevent institutions meeting targets
Approaches to scaling up decarbonisation across university operations
Exploring the pressing questions on financing net zero transformation
Professor Zoe Robinson
Professor of Sustainability in Higher Education, Keele University
Joanna Chamberlain
Director of Sustainability
University of Exeter (CONFIRMED)
Sara Lynch
Head of Sustainability
Queen’s University Belfast (CONFIRMED)
Stephanie Todd
Strategic Operational Lead for Sustainability
Kingston University (CONFIRMED)
Simon Goldsmith
Head of Sustainability
University of Greenwich (CONFIRMED)
12:00 pm
The Energy Roadmap: An Operational Plan for Developing Resilient Low Carbon Infrastructure and Buildings
What does an impactful energy efficiency roll out look like in practice?
How do we develop a replicable and scalable approach to adapting a diverse range of buildings?
From ventilation to insulation, from heat recovery to lighting efficiency: What will drive impact on performance now?
The long-term goal: What does it take to meaningfully reduce energy demand and adopt new net-zero enabling technologies?
Dean Drobot
Head of Energy and Utilities
The University of Edinburgh (CONFIRMED)
12:30 pm
Break and Networking
1:30 pm
Making Gains on Net Zero Heating and Cooling: Examining the Delivery Route
University of Leeds route to Net Zero by 2030
The Challenges across a live campus
Climate Emergency Response
Our Implementation Plan
Removal of Steam Networks and Electrification of plant
Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades
Energy Reduction Strategy
Partnering arrangement on Procurement Route
David Oldroyd
Interim Deputy Director of Development
University of Leeds (CONFIRMED)
2:10 pm
In Conversation: Designing a Net Zero First Capital Development Pipeline
How can net zero be achieved in construction and capital development programmes in the long term?
When is new development required and what are the options for deep retrofits?
Making decisions on sustainable land use for development
What does the net zero campus building of 2030 look like and how can it live up to long term performance objectives?
Professor Richard Bull
Deputy Dean, School of Architecture Design and the Built Environment
Nottingham Trent University (CONFIRMED)
Alessandra Foderaro
Deputy Director- Capital Development
Westminster University (CONFIRMED)
2:40 pm
Break and Networking
3:00 pm
Towards Net Zero: Retrofits and refurbishments
University for the Creative Arts; Case study across two campuses
Dr Akin Oluwatudimu
Director of Estates and Facilities
University for the Creative Arts (CONFIRMED)
Scott Keiller
Head of Sustainability
University for the Creative Arts (CONFIRMED)
3:30 pm
Conference Close
*Programme subject to change
This Conference is designed for all estates and sustainability leaders responsible for net zero delivery in higher education. Those in attendance will include:
Directors of Estates
Directors of Estate Development and Campus Services
Directors of Sustainability and Net Zero
Deputy Director of Estates
Heads of Sustainability and Net Zero Delivery
Heads of Capital Projects
Heads of Estate Management
Get Your On Demand Ticket
HE and Public Sector
Private Sector
£395 + VAT
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