HE Shared Services and Structural Collaboration Conference

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Tuesday 29th April 2025
9:10 am - 3:50pm
Virtual Conference
This Conference will explore the next steps in unlocking the opportunities of shared services and structural collaboration as the higher education sector looks towards long-term business transformation.
The Conference will:
Examine the options and first steps for developing shared service models
Explore the strategic and operational questions central to structural collaboration
Assess what an effective design and management process looks like for shared services
Evaluate the legal and regulatory considerations for deeper collaboration
Share the next steps for the sector in enabling transformation through shared service structures
Why attend the conference?
Gain vital guidance on how to support the development of shared service models
Learn from early innovators and those designing new approaches to structural collaboration
Map your university’s action plan for unlocking shared service opportunities
09:10 am
Chair’s Welcome Address
Adam Hewitt
University Secretary
University of York (CONFIRMED)
09:20 am
Opening Address: The Strategic Questions Ahead on Managing Transformative Change
What are the routes to deeper collaboration across institutions and what is right for your university?
Exploring the long-term strategic objectives for operational partnership
What are the structural, cultural and governance changes needed to support successful shared services?
Going beyond efficiency savings: would does transformative change to a business model look like across an institution?
Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein
City St George's, University of London (CONFIRMED)
09:50 am
Overcoming Barriers to Structural Collaboration: The Conditions for Success
This session will be co-delivered by Paul Bogle, Secretary and Clerk at Anglia Ruskin University and Poppy Short from Mills & Reeve who will share their experience of working together on the ARU / Writtle University College merger including how they overcame regulatory and legal barriers to implement the merger. They will talk about:
The nuances of transferring the higher education provision from Writtle into ARU and the further education aspects into a newly incorporated further education college
How they liaised with the OfS and the DfE to trigger and navigate processes that were new and untested
The internal shared service arrangements that were put in place to facilitate a new provider in the group
Poppy Short
Mills & Reeve (CONFIRMED)
Paul Bogle
Secretary and Clerk
Anglia Ruskin University (CONFIRMED)
10:50 am
Break and Networking
11:10 am
Panel Discussion: What Should a Shared Service Model Look Like?
Universities UK has made clear that shared services are being underutilised, with only 7% of their members reporting any form of shared service activity.
With many institutions at the start of their journey or looking to explore opportunities for operational collaboration, what are universities looking for from a shared service model?
This panel will bring together leaders at the forefront of transformation agendas to examine their next strategic steps and what is needed to ensure approaches to structural collaboration succeed.
Professor Ken Sloan
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Harper Adams University (CONFIRMED)
Aaron Porter
Associate Director Governance
Helen Watson
Chief Operating Officer
City St George’s, University of London (CONFIRMED)
James Smith
Chief Information Officer
Middlesex University (CONFIRMED)
Professor Keith McLay
Deputy Vice Chancellor
University of Derby (CONFIRMED)
12:00 pm
Designing and Managing Effective Shared Service Functions as a Cost Sharing Group
This session will explore insights from one of the higher education sector’s first cost sharing groups and how an effective shared services approach to core functions can be developed. KCG Audit will share insights on:
The process of establishing a cost sharing group (CSG)
The essential criteria to benefit from VAT exemption through a cost sharing vehicle
Maintaining and delivering a CSG that consistently demonstrates cost benefits
How the KCG model could be replicated across other core functions in the sector
Alan Lees
Chief Executive
12:30 pm
Break and Networking
1:20 pm
A Roadmap for Shared Service Collaboration on Data, Digital and Technology
The starting point: Where does successful tech collaboration exist already in the sector and what are the priority areas for partnership?
Where is there potential for shared procurement and system management that continues to support differentiation?
What are the opportunities for rationalisation through shared digital services?
How can the sector support meaningful transformation through common models, standardisation and central coordination?
What are the next steps from Jisc and the wider sector to drive this agenda forward?
Victoria Moody
Director, Higher Education and Research
James Clay
Head of Higher Education and Student Experience
1:50 pm
What Can We Learn from Local Government Shared Service Models?
This case study session will explore the successful Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo) model developed by Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council and Thanet District Council.
PartnershipOne is wholly owned by the three Councils and has delivered a highly effective cost-sharing mechanism for vital functions such as Council Tax collection, key customer service roles and the administration of Housing Benefit.
This session will explore key lessons from the higher education sector on:
The development of the cost sharing model
How the Trading Company is managed
Approaches to driving efficiencies and improved service delivery
What can replicated from this success outside of local government
Mark Emery
Executive Director
PartnershipOne (Owned by Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council and Thanet District Council) (CONFIRMED)
2:20 pm
Break and Networking
2:40 pm
A HE Shared Service Model in Action – Insights from the KU Leuven Association in Belgium
KU Leuven Association runs as a network of 6 providers across Flanders and Brussels. The partnership operates as a successful model for pooling resources to deliver an effective platform for shared technical services and project delivery. This session will explore how the Association works and the lessons for UK institutions on:
Realising cost savings potential and delivering value for money
Governance and management across the network
How services are designed and delivered
Imran Uddin
General Director
KU Leuven Association (CONFIRMED)
3:10 pm
Managing Collaborative Service Structures - Insights from the Health Sciences University
Professor Lesley Haig
Vice Chancellor
Health Sciences University (CONFIRMED)
3:30 pm
Closing Address: Going Beyond Shared Services: Opportunities for Collaboration to Drive Efficiency and Effectiveness in HE
Paul Kett
Senior Adviser and Global Director Education and Skills
3:50 pm
Conference Close
*Programme subject to change
This Conference is designed for all those engaged in business planning and operational transformation across the higher education sector. Those in attendance will include:
Chief Finance Officers
Chief Operating Officers
Directors of Business Improvement
Directors of Governance and Compliance
Directors of Policy
Directors of Procurement
Directors of Strategic Planning
Directors of Transformation
Heads of Procurement
Heads of Professional Services
Pro Vice Chancellors
Registrars and University Secretary’s
Vice Chancellors
Secure Your Ticket
HE and Public Sector
£195 + VAT
Private Sector
£395 + VAT
HE Team of 3+
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For group discounts and enquiries about your registration please contact us on enquiries@heprofessional.co.uk