Teaching Excellence Framework Conference 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024
8:45am - 3:40pm

The Teaching Excellence Framework Conference returns with the latest insights and analysis following TEF 2023 and will look towards the next iteration of the exercise for TEF 2027.

The 2024 Conference will …

  • Look towards TEF 2027 and what the next exercise should look like

  • Examine how providers are managing strategic change and quality enhancement in line with their TEF 2023 submissions

  • Evaluate what we can learn from TEF 2023 summary statements and the rationale for awarding from the Office for Students

  • Analyse how the sector approached educational gain in TEF 2023 and what we expect for TEF 2027

  • Explore insights from the independent reports by Professor Dilly Fung and the QAA qualitative analysis of submissions and panel statements

Want to examine the next steps for TEF?

Headline Speakers Confirmed for 2024

Vicki Stott
Chief Executive

Graeme Rosenberg
Head of Student Outcomes
Office for Students

Professor Dilly Fung
Professor Emerita
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Professor Janice Kay CBE
Higher Futures

Pre-Event Webinar

12:30pm - 1:10pm, Monday 14th October

TEF 2023 Deep Dive: Approaches to Identifying and Measuring Educational Gains

This session will examine the independent analysis of the 51 submissions of providers that achieved a gold rating for student outcomes in TEF 2023. The session will consider:

  • How ‘educational gains’ were defined by gold providers

  • What practical delivery looks like in supporting students to achieve educational gains

  • Approaches to measurement and evaluation and where development is needed

  • What is the role of educational gains in the TEF exercise?

Professor Dilly Fung
Professor Emerita & former Pro-Director (Vice President) for Education
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (CONFIRMED)


08:45 am

Registration, Refreshments and Networking

09:30 am

Chair’s Welcome Address

Professor Abigail Moriarty
Pro Vice Chancellor, Education and Students
University of Lincoln (CONFIRMED)

09:40 am

Evaluating and Learning from TEF 2023

Approach to evaluating TEF 2023

    • Process, framework and initial impact

    • Use of TEF information by prospective students

  • Early evaluation findings

  • Sharing good practice

  • The path to TEF 2027

Graeme Rosenberg
Head of Student Outcomes
Office for Students (CONFIRMED)

Catherine Cameron
TEF Manager
Office for Students (CONFIRMED)

10:10 am

TEF 2023: What we Know From Every Single Submission and How to Respond

Building on the first total qualitative analysis of every single TEF submission and panel statement led by the QAA, this session will examine:

  • What providers need to know to successfully prepare for TEF 2027

  • The characteristics of gold providers and how they achieved their rating

  • The current state of play on delivery across the features of excellence

  • What we should learn on quality enhancement 

  • Outputs and action points for leaders following this qualitative analysis

Vicki Stott
Chief Executive

10:40 am

Networking Break and Refreshments

11:10 am

Educational Gain: Where Do We Go and What Does it Mean for TEF 2027?

  • How providers engaged with the concept of educational gain in TEF 2023

  • Making the leap between intended and demonstrated educational gains

  • Are providers delivering on commitments made in TEF 2023?

  • The necessary steps for developing a conceptual framework on educational gain

  • Examining the future of educational gain in the countdown to TEF 2023

Professor Janice Kay CBE
Director, Higher Futures
Special Advisor to the Vice Chancellor, University of Exeter (CONFIRMED)

Roscoe Hastings
Director of Teaching Excellence and Enhancement
University of Exeter (CONFIRMED)

11:40 am

Diary of a TEF Lead: Lessons on Evidence, Design and Submission

In this case study session, we will take a deep-dive into the route to submission from a gold provider’s TEF lead. The session will dissect the tools for success, how the submission was constructed and the learning points for the next TEF exercise. Expect an open and practical take on:

  • Evidence collection and development

  • Collaboration with senior leadership

  • Submission design and construction

  • Impactful authoring and storytelling

Dr Ruth Stoker
Director of Strategic Teaching and Learning and University Academic Lead for TEF
University of Huddersfield (CONFIRMED)

12:10 pm

Networking Lunch

1:10 pm

Building in Evidence Gathering for TEF

  • Lessons for senior leaders: How to build evaluation into an institutional strategy

  • Developing a structure to harness existing evidence as TEF impact

  • Evaluation or quality enhancement? Designing a continuous approach to evidence gathering for the TEF

  • Building evaluation capacity and confidence across an institution

Professor Liz Austen
Professor of Higher Education Evaluation and Associate Dean Teaching & Learning (College of Social Science & Arts)
Sheffield Hallam University (CONFIRMED)

1:30 pm

TEF 2023: What Did We Learn? What Would We Change?

  • The building blocks to a successful rating: What works?

  • Approaches to developing the TEF 2023 submission

  • Understanding existing provision and the route to future quality enhancement

  • Dissecting the challenges and learning points for future exercises

  • Embedding an approach to review and continuous improvement

  • Recommendations on how the TEF exercise should develop next time

Professor Sarah Jones
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Solent University (CONFIRMED)

Professor Keith McLay
Provost - Learning and Teaching
University of Derby (CONFIRMED)

Professor Antony Moss
Pro Vice Chancellor Education and Student Experience
London South Bank University (CONFIRMED)

Professor Elizabeth Jones
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education
University of Leicester (CONFIRMED)

2:20 pm

Networking Break and Refreshments

2:40 pm

Translating TEF 2023 into Meaningful Continuous Improvement

  • Using TEF evaluation tools to support consistent performance monitoring

  • Moving away from a periodic exercise to routine evaluation

  • Meeting the stated ambitions of TEF 2023 and delivering on commitments

  • Exploring approaches to quality enhancement and improvement based on learnings from TEF 2023

Dr Mark Mason
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience)
University of Chichester (CONFIRMED)

3:00 pm

What Does TEF 2023 Mean for Student Decision Making?

  • Understanding awareness of TEF 2023 in decision making for prospective students

  • How are universities engaging with prospective students on their TEF ratings?

  • Exploring how universities have promoted TEF 2023 ratings in the latest recruitment cycle

  • Evaluating the place of TEF metrics in the wider decision-making process for new cohorts

Cathy Sinclair
Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
Sheffield Hallam University (CONFIRMED)

3:20 pm

The Art and Science of a Provider TEF submission

  • Vision for the future, rooted in the past – designing your metrics

  • Students as our most important critics – collaboration and co-creation

  • Educational Gain and institutional autonomy – HERA in microcosm

Emily Pollinger
Policy and Programmes Manager (Education and Student Experience)
University of Bath (CONFIRMED)

3:40 pm

Conference Close

*Programme subject to change

Want to examine the next steps for TEF?


This Conference is designed for all in the higher education sector engaged with the Teaching Excellence Framework. Those in attendance will include:

  • Directors of Teaching and Learning

  • Associate Deans

  • Academic Registrars

  • Data Leads and Analysts

  • Deans of Teaching and Learning

  • Academic Directors

  • Pro Vice-Chancellors

  • Heads of Department

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