Who Runs Graduate Outcomes? A Guide for UK Higher Education Professionals

An illustration of two hands putting together a puzzle to suggest a collaborative approach to collecting Graduate Outcomes data in the UK higher education sector.

For those working in the UK higher education sector, understanding the Graduate Outcomes data and metrics is crucial. The Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) is an annual survey gathers valuable insights into graduate destinations and employment, informing funding, policy, and institutional decision-making. But with whom does the responsibility for this impactful initiative lie?


The Owner: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

The Graduate Outcomes survey is owned by HESA, the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Established in 1992 and part of Jisc since October 2022, HESA acts as the official source of data for the UK higher education sector, playing a vital role in its growth and development. Their mission aligns seamlessly with Graduate Outcomes, aiming to provide robust and timely data to inform decisions across the board.


The Collaborators: Universities, Colleges, and Trusted Partners

While HESA steers the ship, Graduate Outcomes thrives on collaboration. Each participating university and college plays a critical role by:

  • Identifying and contacting graduates: Institutions ensure their graduates receive survey invitations, maximising response rates and data accuracy.

  • Promoting the survey: Encouraging participation through internal communication channels fosters a culture of engagement and data-driven decision-making.

  • Providing context and insights: Institutional knowledge enriches the data analysis, offering valuable interpretations and contextualisation.

While HESA maintains ownership and oversight of the Graduate Outcomes survey, they have adopted an open centralisation model. This means that different suppliers are appointed for specific tasks within the overall survey delivery process.


The Beneficiaries: The Entire Higher Education Community

Ultimately, the fruits of Graduate Outcomes data reach far and wide across the UK higher education ecosystem. Here are some key beneficiaries:

  • Policymakers: Data informs funding decisions, guides national strategies, and supports the development of a skilled workforce.

  • Funding bodies: Allocate resources effectively based on graduate employment outcomes and regional needs.

  • Universities and colleges: Benchmark their performance, identify areas for improvement, and tailor courses to market demands.

  • Students and graduates: Gain valuable insights into career paths, salary expectations, and the return on investment of their education.


Collaborative Working Towards Enhanced Graduate Outcomes

Understanding who is behind the Graduate Outcomes Survey is complex because it is ultimately collaborative effort. The survey highlights partnership working between HESA, institutions, and external partners, all moving towards a shared goal: providing robust data to empower informed decision-making and shape the future of the UK higher education sector.


Additional Resources

By understanding the players involved and the wider impact of Graduate Outcomes, professional service practitioners in UK higher education can contribute to a data-driven future that benefits all stakeholders.

Graduate Employability: The Full Picture

At HE Professional, we explore how professionals can further the employability agenda in the higher education sector. Click below to explore our upcoming events.

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