Webinar | Holding the Stop Sign on Unbundling: Utilising the LLE for its Full Potential

In this session from our 2024 Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) and Short Courses Conference, Dr Kate Wicklow, (Policy Director - Insight, Access & Student Experience, Guild HE) explores the following questions and action points:

  • What is the LLE for?

  • Matching course design with student demand for modular formats

  • Why repackaging and unbundling won’t work in supporting a vibrant short courses market

  • Rethinking course structure, content design and delivery tools to reflect the needs of a new audience

  • The vital steps for building trust and demonstrating the value of new flexible formats


Webinar | Enhancing Transitions to Higher Education: Embedding Belonging


The Employability e-Hub: A Careers Intervention Developed by Welsh Universities