Beyond Buzzwords: Embracing Human-Centric Marketing for Higher Education in the UK

An illustration of different characters putting together a puzzle to suggest a human-centric approach to higher education marketing.

In the bustling marketplace of UK higher education, institutions vie for the attention of increasingly savvy and discerning students. While flashy brochures and generic taglines once held sway, today's students crave authenticity, connection, and a deep understanding of their needs. Enter the realm of human-centric marketing: a data-driven approach that prioritises student wellbeing and builds real relationships beyond the buzzwords.

In this article, we explore everything you need to know about human-centric marketing as a marketer working in the higher education sector. Our tips will help you to foster genuine connections with prospects and stand out from the crowd in an increasingly competitive market.


So, why is human-centric marketing essential for UK higher education?

The rise of "Generation Z": Today's students value individuality, purpose, and genuine connections. They seek institutions that understand their anxieties, aspirations, and unique journeys. Generic marketing messages just don't resonate.

The power of empathy: By conducting qualitative research and engaging in active listening, institutions can understand student challenges and tailor their communications accordingly. Building empathy fosters trust and demonstrates a genuine commitment to student success.

The storytelling revolution: Forget staged testimonials and glossy photos. Authentic student stories, shared through blogs, videos, and social media, paint a vivid picture of the transformative power of education and the vibrant community life on campus.


Here's how UK institutions can translate human-centric marketing into action:

Ditch the jargon: Speak to students in a language they understand. Ditch the academic speak and focus on clear, concise language that resonates with their aspirations and anxieties.

Embrace active listening: Conduct focus groups, host social media polls, and encourage open communication channels. Understand what keeps prospective students up at night and celebrate their diverse voices.

Champion student diversity: Showcase the vibrant multicultural tapestry of your campus community. Let students see themselves reflected in your messaging and celebrate their unique talents and backgrounds.

Build online communities: Create safe spaces for prospective students to connect with peers, ask questions, and share experiences. Utilise social media platforms and online forums to foster a sense of belonging and belonging.

Humanise the digital experience: While technology plays a vital role, don't neglect the human touch. Personalise communications, offer live chat support, and conduct virtual campus tours hosted by friendly student ambassadors.


This shift towards human-centric marketing is already bearing fruit across the UK higher education landscape.

The University of Manchester's "Ask Me Anything" sessions allow prospective students to engage directly with current students, asking candid questions and getting honest answers.

Queen Mary University of London's "Humans of Queen Mary" Instagram campaign features diverse student stories, highlighting the university's vibrant community and celebrating individual journeys.

The University of Buckingham’s virtual campus tours hosted by student ambassadors provide a first-hand glimpse into campus life, offering a more authentic and relatable experience than traditional brochure-style tours.


The Future of HE Marketing

By embracing human-centric marketing, UK higher education institutions can move beyond the noise and forge genuine connections with students. This approach doesn't just attract top talent; it builds trust, fosters a sense of belonging, and lays the foundation for a transformative educational experience. Remember, in the hearts and minds of today's students, authenticity reigns supreme. Let your marketing reflect that, and watch your institution thrive in the dynamic landscape of UK higher education.

So, ditch the tired tropes and embrace the human heart. The future of higher education marketing in the UK lies in storytelling, empathy, and genuine connection. And that's a future worth investing in.

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